My lovely Mother bought me a 2 x 2,27 Ghz laptop with 4 Gb Ram. Took one day to arrive from Amazon, install the programs, connect the HDDs, that makes 3 days to the deadline, and 2 days to the tutorial.
The deadline is: ANIMATION TREATMENT from 5 to 10 pages.
Managed to write and draw 10 pages of the Treatment, do some printing test, print it on to acetate and paper using Library's photocopier, bind it manually with beautiful paper stapler, toxic glue, and 250 gsm rough paper. Note: I have a cutter but no ruler, so I was ripping them with hands.
Missed the tutorial, and handed it in 45 minutes late the day after, but it is a personal record.
Hi. My name is Febrianto, and this is my story.